Monday, August 23, 2010

Update: Netflix for iPhone with only iPhone and iPad!

I did something similar to the previous post, and it works! I did it without unzipping the IPA file; instead I transferred straight off the iPad onto the iPhone, and installed a user agent switcher so that the Netflix website would think I was an iPad. It just works! Jump after the break for better instructions. Enjoy!

  1. Prereqs: jailbroken iPhone and iPad, with ssh running on both. This is in Cydia as "OpenSSH". Both devices should be on the same WiFi network.
  2. On my jailbroken iPad, I used SSH Terminal to log into the iPad (from the iPad). Login as root (Note: if this is your first time ssh-ing into the iPad, the password is dottie or alpine; make sure you change it to something you'll remember using the passwd command). This is necessary because as far as I know MobileTerminal doesn't work on the newer iOS, it just crashes.
  3. cd into "/var/mobile/Applications", then run a "find . | grep Netflix" to find the location of the folder. It'll be stashed in a directory with a long name.
  4. cd into the long directory name from here, and then use scp to copy over this folder into "/var/stash/Applications" iPhone, something like: "scp -r root@IPHONE.IP.ADDY.HERE:/var/stash/Applications". You can find your iPhone IP address in the wifi Settings.
  5. When it finished, reboot the phone.
  6. Go into Cydia on the iPhone and install "User Agent Faker" from BigBoss repo (Tweaks).
  7. Go into "Settings->User Agent Faker->User Agent->Apple iPad"
  8. Go into "Settings->User Agent Faker->Applications" and toggle on Safari.
  9. Log into in Safari and try and play an instant movie. Safari should go to the background and the Netflix app will come up and start playing the movie!

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